4 Reasons Why Mason, Ohio Homeowners Should Get a Fall Tune-up in September

Sep 1, 2024 | Fall, Furnace, HVAC System, Safety Check, Scheduling, Season, Tune-up, Warranty, Weather, Winter

Scheduling a furnace check-up in September? Now that’s a smart play for Mason, Ohio homeowners! With the weather turning and winter sneaking up, it’s the perfect time to ensure your furnace is ready to work its magic. At Mason Heating & Air, our team wants to help make sure your heating system is prepped for chilly autumn nights and the frosty winter ahead. Don’t wait until your furnace decides to malfunction during its busiest season! So, without further delay, let’s dive together into the four fantastic reasons why September is the month to schedule your furnace tune-up. 

Reason 1 to Get a Furnace Tune-Up in September – The Weather Is Just Right 

This brings us to the question: “Why September?” The answer is straightforward. It’s practical to service your furnace this month, following industry best practices. We generally recommend that homeowners have their furnaces checked and serviced before using them for the first time each year. Many homeowners schedule this service toward the end of summer or at the beginning of fall. Remember, in 2024, fall officially begins on September 22nd! 

Also, keep in mind that your furnace must be turned off so our trained technicians can conduct a thorough and safe inspection. This is another reason why September is a great time to schedule this important HVAC service. 

Reason 2 to Get a Furnace Tune-Up in September – This Month Isn’t Too Busy 

As the year goes on, HVAC repairs, replacements, and upgrades often see high demand. However, in the fall, the need for air conditioning drops significantly. This means that September usually doesn’t have a flood of service requests. So, what does this mean for you? Simply put, it increases your chances of getting an immediate appointment or one that fits your schedule. You can avoid the last-minute rush by scheduling your tune-up and safety check today! 

Reason 3 to Get a Furnace Tune-Up in September – Winter Is Near 

As we move into the colder months, it’s wise to prepare for winter ahead of time. It’s best to book your annual furnace maintenance and safety inspection in early fall if you can. This ensures your heating system is ready for Ohio’s harsh winter temperatures. A fall tune-up is important for several reasons, especially to ensure your furnace can handle heavy usage during winter. No one wants their furnace to break down in the middle of winter, and this hassle can easily be avoided by scheduling your tune-up in the fall. 

Reason 4 to Get a Furnace Tune-Up in September – for the Safety Aspect 

Did you know that carbon monoxide poisoning cases increase in winter due to more frequent use of furnaces, chimneys, and gas lines? The National Safety Council actually recommends having your furnace, water heater, or any coal-burning appliance serviced annually by a certified technician. Ignoring this can put your home and loved ones at serious risk. Regular yearly inspections improve your furnace’s performance during the coldest months and help your technician identify and fix potential problems early. 

In summary, we highly recommend getting your HVAC system tuned up in September whenever possible. However, we understand that unexpected situations can happen, and tasks may be delayed. If you missed your September tune-up, don’t worry! You can still have your furnace serviced in October or early November. 

And last but not least, as a bonus “reason,” you should also get your furnace checked regularly each year, which helps keep your manufacturer’s warranty valid. This is yet another great reason to schedule your fall furnace tune-up! 

Call Mason Heating & Air today at (513) 496-2477, or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here